An illustration I did was accepted into Communication Arts Illustration Annual! It was entered in the unpublished category-done with FW acrylic inks. Good ol' Neil Young...
It's been a long time since my last post and I have no decent excuses, accept that I just lost interest in the whole blog thing for a bit. Originally monstercake was meant to be a daily practice but I am of a weak constitution and couldn't deal. So I bring you a new monstercake, but not necessarily improved-there will be no attempts on my part to blog daily, just snippets into what i'm working on lately and observations about illustration and all things art related. So here goes with some work that I've done in the last year-
I know, who hasn't done a portrait of Johnny Cash? Done w. crowquill pen and FW Acrylic Inks. I practically drink the stuff.
Must see her live...someday. I started out with a light pencil sketch and painted the piece with Holbein Acryla-Gouche, which makes nice matte colors.